Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects of Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 - 1126 Words

Parker Howard Professor Woodward Rhetoric and Composition 15 December 2012 Lowering The Drinking Age Alcohol is considered to be a large problem in society today. Especially with young adults between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one. Which presents the question of whether or not the drinking age should be lowered. Lowering the legal drinking age to eighteen would have positive and negative influences on society. Positive through raising more government taxes and keep high school age and young college students out of trouble with the law for drinking. Negatively; students, both in high school and college, would drink during the week which could cause problems with education and crimes related to alcohol would be more likely to†¦show more content†¦Changing the drinking age has multiple negative effects. However, it could have a few positive effects on society. First, it would allow law enforcement to crack down on other crimes being committed in cities. Ultimately resulting in a lowering of the crime rate. (Even though only around every two of one thousand underage drinking occasions result in an arrest (Daniloff)). Secondly, lowering the drinking age would allow the government to receive more taxes off of the sales of alcohol. Since around seventeen and a half percent of alcohol sales (or $22.5 billion) end up being consumed by minors the government could place a higher tax upon sales to citizens ages eighteen to twenty-one (The Debate). The argument of looking to European countries with lower drinking ages is almost always present in law changing arguments. Should we follow their example, or should we learn from what the laws in their countries have done? Based on the facts European youth actually drink more than American youth (Sopher). Granted it is legal in these countries to do so at the ages of 16 and most 18. Drinking is a big problems in countries such as Ireland, Denmark, and Germany where the drinking age is 18. The facts prove themselves; lowering the drinking age just encourages young adults to become dependent on alcohol at a younger age. ItShow MoreRelatedUnderage Drinking Is Part Of The Culture Of College1734 Words   |  7 PagesI did discover is that underage drinking is part of the culture in college, also the friends that I had in high school who are 21 now I have discovered they drink some of the least amount now. Which has begun to make me wonder why people who are 21 drink less than peop le who are underage. I believe that when people are 21 they now do not have to worry about the next time they can get alcohol. Congress should lower the drinking age from 21 to 18 because at age 18 when they are in college, for someRead MoreTo Lower or Not to Lower the Legal Drinking Age to 18, That Is the Question881 Words   |  4 Pagesthat binge drinking is on the rise among college students (Eisenberg n.p.). 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