Thursday, September 3, 2020

Fitzgeralds Satire on the American Dream in the Great Gatsby free essay sample

So as to help this message, Fitzgerald presents the first parts of the American Dream alongside its advanced face to show that the once impenetrable dream is currently lost perpetually to the American individuals. This world investigates the way that the rich and incredible had the option to pull off anything they desire and straightforward goals were overlooked. As the normal American during the 1920s turned out to be progressively enthralled with riches and ordinary extravagances, some started caricaturizing the fraud and covetousness they watched. Fitzgerald passes on these perceptions with the general sadness of the book. Gatsby is one who is generally cheerful to the American Dream, he typifies the faith in it, however he before long discovers that the very riches and acknowledgment that he so pined for was what caused the devastation every one of his convictions. F. Scott Fitzgerald credits the devastation of the American Dream to riches, benefit, and the absence of mankind that those angles make. We will compose a custom exposition test on Fitzgeralds Satire on the American Dream in the Great Gatsby or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Cash is unmistakably distinguished as the principle guilty party in the fantasies demise. It turns out to be effectively ensnared with expectation and achievement and supplanting their situations in the American Dream with realism. This is appeared through Gatsbys utilization of illicit practices and underground associations with bring in cash. His sumptuous gatherings, enormous house, and goliath assortment of attire all speak to his defilement. His utilization of status and benefit is shown when his petty criminal offense is disregarded by the cop. In any case, the most noticeably terrible characteristics of the fantasies current face are obvious in Tom and Daisy Buchanan, who live with no expectations or second thoughts in light of the fact that the establishment of their character is cash and riches. Scratch portrays the Buchanans as â€Å"careless people† who can withdraw once again into their cash. Through the heartbreaking story of Jay Gatsby and his bombed endeavor to arrive at his fantasy, F. Scott Fitzgerald additionally portrays the appalling passing of American qualities. The characters in The Great Gatsby are negligible instances of Fitzgeralds message-the old American dream and the entirety of its unadulterated standards have been supplanted with cash, ravenousness, and realism. Scratch Carraway passes on this message as a pariah, a fair man from the mid-west who saw the entire issue as an eyewitness. Fitzgerald shows us the life and demise of the old American Dream. Fitzgeralds Satire on the American Dream in the Great Gatsby free article test So as to help this message, Fitzgerald presents the first parts of the American Dream alongside its advanced face to show that the once impenetrable dream is currently lost everlastingly to the American individuals. This world investigates the way that the rich and incredible had the option to pull off anything they desire and straightforward standards were overlooked. As the normal American during the 1920s turned out to be progressively enamored with riches and ordinary extravagances, some started caricaturizing the bad faith and voracity they watched. Fitzgerald passes on these perceptions with the general misery of the book. Gatsby is one who is generally cheerful to the American Dream, he typifies the faith in it, yet he before long discovers that the very riches and acknowledgment that he so desired was what caused the decimation every one of his convictions. F. Scott Fitzgerald credits the annihilation of the American Dream to riches, benefit, and the absence of mankind that those angles make. We will compose a custom article test on Fitzgeralds Satire on the American Dream in the Great Gatsby or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Cash is unmistakably recognized as the primary guilty party in the fantasies demise. It turns out to be handily caught with expectation and achievement and supplanting their situations in the American Dream with realism. This is appeared through Gatsbys utilization of illicit practices and underground associations with bring in cash. His rich gatherings, gigantic chateau, and goliath assortment of garments all speak to his defilement. His utilization of status and benefit is shown when his criminal traffic offense is disregarded by the cop. In any case, the most exceedingly awful characteristics of the fantasies present day face are obvious in Tom and Daisy Buchanan, who live with no expectations or second thoughts in light of the fact that the establishment of their character is cash and riches. Scratch portrays the Buchanans as â€Å"careless people† who can withdraw once more into their cash. Through the disastrous story of Jay Gatsby and his bombed endeavor to arrive at his fantasy, F. Scott Fitzgerald likewise portrays the lamentable passing of American qualities. The characters in The Great Gatsby are unimportant instances of Fitzgeralds message-the old American dream and the entirety of its unadulterated beliefs have been supplanted with cash, avarice, and realism. Scratch Carraway passes on this message as an outcast, a genuine man from the mid-west who saw the entire undertaking as a spectator. Fitzgerald shows us the life and demise of the old American Dream.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Global Financial Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Worldwide Financial Crisis - Essay Example Numerous experts and specialists around the globe accept that a genuine financial downturn must be affirmed if GDP (Gross Domestic Product) development is negative for a time of at least two back to back quarters. The foundations of a downturn and its actual beginning stage really rest in the few fourth of positive yet easing back development before the downturn cycle truly starts. While the two quarter definition is acknowledged all inclusive, numerous financial experts experience difficulty supporting it totally as it doesn't consider other significant monetary change factors. For example, current national joblessness rates or buyer certainty and spending levels are each of the a piece of the financial framework and must be considered when characterizing a downturn and its properties. A monetary downturn is essentially credited to the activities taken to control the cash gracefully in an economy. The Central Bank is the organization liable for keeping up the sensitive harmony between cash flexibly, loan costs, and swelling. At the point when this sensitive parity is tipped, the economy is compelled to address itself. In a situation where swelling is pervasive, individuals will in general cut out things like relaxation spending. They likewise spending more, spend less on things they for the most part enjoy, and begin setting aside more cash than they. As individuals and organizations begin discovering approaches to reduce expenses and wreck unneeded uses, the GDP starts to decay. At that point, joblessness rates will rise since organizations begin laying off specialists to reduce more expenses, since customers are not spending as were they. It is these consolidated components that figured out how to drive the economy into a province of recession.(Sources: The change in perspective in the US economy was a major contributing variable. The economy moved to an assistance based economy from an overwhelming assembling part. Continuously 2009, assembling and farming comprised under 10% of the entire financial base. Decrease in assembling occurred mostly due to off shoring or redistributing yet inconceivably expanded efficiency was the greater factor. Absence of security turned into an issue as the jobs pattern transformed from a drawn out business relationship to a transient connections. The consequence of the move from assembling to support, to put it plainly, has been a disaggregation of work in which the connections of laborers to specific firms is progressively dubious, expected residencies are shorter, and work environments themselves are frequently for a littler scope. The new versatile business included compact annuities; that is a benefits plan that moves with a representative when the person in question changes the business. Benefit s speculation turned into a major business ruled by institutional financial specialists. With a compact characterized commitment frameworks annuity depends on speculation returns which made weight for exceptional yields and furthermore evacuated representative motivating forces to remain with a solitary firm. This brought about an endless loop of benefit weight and work flimsiness. (G.F. Davies, 2009) Following a time of monetary blast, a money related air pocket worldwide in scope-has now blasted. A breakdown of the US sub-prime home loan showcase and the inversion of the lodging blast in other industrialized economies have had a wave

Friday, August 21, 2020

foolear The Very Foolish King in William Shakespeares King Lear :: King Lear essays

The Very Foolish King Lear   Shakespeare's disaster King Lear is a point by point depiction of the outcomes of one man's decisions.  This imaginary man is Lear, King of England, whose choices enormously change his life and the lives of those around him.  As Lear bears the status of King, he is a man of incredible force, yet aimlessly he gives up the entirety of this capacity to his little girls as an award for their show of affection towards him.  This inconvenient acquiescence of his position of royalty sets off a chain response of occasions that sends him through a repulsive journey.  King Lear is a figurative depiction of one man's excursion through some serious hardship so as to pacify his botch.   As the play opens, one can very quickly observe that Lear starts to make botches that will in the long run bring about his downfall.  The absolute first words that he talks in the play are:           Give me the guide there.         Know that we have separated         In three our realm; and 'tis our quick purpose         To shake all considerations and business from our age,         Conferring them on more youthful qualities while we         Unburdened creep toward death.(Act I, Sc I, Ln 37-41)   This gives the peruser the principal sign of Lear's expectation to give up his throne.  He is developing old and needs to shake all considerations and business from his age.  In a since he needs to resign from a vocation that you can't resign from.  He has no child to hand his honored position down to, so he should give it to his girls. He offers his little girls bits of his realm a type of prize to his trial of affection.           Great opponents in our most youthful little girl's affection,         Long in our court have made their affectionate stay,         And here are to be replied. Let me know, my little girls         (Since now we will strip us both of rule,         Interest of an area, cares of state),         Which of you will we say doth love us most?         That we our biggest abundance may expand         Where nature doth with merit challenge.         (Act I, Sc I, Ln 46-53)   This is the first and generally noteworthy of the numerous mix-ups that he submits in this play.  By giving up his position of authority to fuel his self image, he disturbs the incredible chain of being, which expresses that the King must not challenge the position that the divine beings have given him.  This subverting the divine beings' authority brings about disarray that destroys Lear's reality, leaving him, in the end, with nothing.  Following this, Lear starts to exile those around him that truly care for him; he can't appear to acknowledge who cherishes him

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Responsibility of Choice - Literature Essay Samples

Aeschylus play Prometheus Bound centers on the struggle between Prometheus and Zeus. Prometheus is an intelligent god who is concerned with the welfare of others. Zeus is a tyrant who acts rashly according to his emotion. The two figures clash when Prometheus, a loyal friend of mankind, bestows gifts upon humans to make them more independent. Zeus feels that this threatens his power and determines to put a stop to it. When Zeus punishes Prometheus, a battle between force and intelligence ensues in which the rational mind will ultimately prevail.Zeus actions are based purely on a desire for power. At one time, Prometheus had been a good friend of his, helping him to overthrow Kronos and take his seat atop Mount Olympus. Yet, when Zeus feels that Prometheus is threatening his personal power, he erases any memory of their friendship. By human standards Zeus may be considered amoral because he is disloyal and self-serving. His evilness can be better supported, however, by the fact that h e does not logically think through his behavior; his deeds are based purely on emotion. He never thinks ahead to see the ultimate effect his actions will have; he merely does what he believes will benefit the most at the moment. Because Zeus has no reasoning behind his acts, they may be deemed unfair.Prometheus, unlike Zeus, is an intelligent god. He values loyalty in friendship because he realizes that relationships are give and take: if he helps someone, they will be more likely to give him aid when he needs it. Prometheus pities man because he has been given no way to fend for himself. In order to make mankind a more independent and credible race, Prometheus endows him with many gifts. It is the gift of fire and blind hope that causes Zeus to become angry with him. As the play opens, Zeus servants Might and Violence along with Hephaestus nail Prometheus to a cliff in the Caucuses where he will serve his punishment. Although the sentence is harsh, Prometheus has no regrets. He bel ieves that his actions were good and just and will make the world better in the end.With their gift of blind hope humans can no longer foresee doom, but Prometheus, a god, is aware of the future. During his time on the cliff, he receives many visitors who pity him and all others who are subject to Zeus cruelty. One of these visitors is Io, a young maiden cast out because of Zeus lust for her. She was transformed into a cow and now must wander the earth. By the time she reaches Prometheus, she has given up all hope; she is miserable and discouraged. Prometheus is able to encourage her though with a promise of an overthrow of Zeus through her own descendents. It is Ios son who will free Prometheus so that he may help in the dethronement of the highest god. Zeus downfall will come through his own lineage and mankind. This is a promise of Prometheus, Ios, and all mankinds freedom.Mans freedom will be won through a battle of wits; his physical strength is no match for that of Zeus. The g ift of fire has enabled humans to become individuals. Up to this point, Zeus has been ruling as a master rules slavespeople who do not think for themselves. As man learns to reason and make decisions, he also learns defiance. He holds Zeus overbearing personality in contempt. He is not a child who needs instruction in every move; he is an adult ready to discover things for himself.With freedom comes responsibility. Man is now accountable for his actions. He is no longer a carefree being; when he does something wrong, he may be punished by man or god. There can be no claim of ignorance or variability in his dealings. This freedom is a burden of consciousness.Man has taken a step closer to godhood with this new consciousness. Not only does man act, he acts knowing what the consequences of those actions may be. It is no longer enough to think one is doing the right thing for the moment: one must consider future ramifications and merit. Man cannot live for his own pleasure; he must live for the good of other men.Is this new social responsibility worth the freedom of choice? If one wishes to be an individual, the answer can only be yes. It is true that living in a role where Fate guides ones life is easy and often painless, but it is also binding. One cannot decide to think for him or herself nor can one decide if he or she likes the path his or her life has decided to take. A life without choice is imprisonment. There is no need to think and reason. Each one simply wanders aimlessly, like Io, through the world. With a reasoning intellect, one can dream and set goals; one can have something to live for.Zeus had a difficult time regulating his own ability to make choices. He was a jealous god, wary of competition from any being. Although he had the full resources of the intellect, he chose not to employ them, opting instead for using only brute force to control others. Instead of taking time to resolve problems with reason he rid himself of them in one fell swoop. H e chose the easy way which eventually led to his destruction. Man should learn from the gods mistake: intelligence will always win out over might. Although one may have the option to take care of things swiftly, he or she should always consider all options and future costs. This is the responsibility of free will. Zeus was unable to bear the responsibility; can man do better?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects of Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 - 1126 Words

Parker Howard Professor Woodward Rhetoric and Composition 15 December 2012 Lowering The Drinking Age Alcohol is considered to be a large problem in society today. Especially with young adults between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one. Which presents the question of whether or not the drinking age should be lowered. Lowering the legal drinking age to eighteen would have positive and negative influences on society. Positive through raising more government taxes and keep high school age and young college students out of trouble with the law for drinking. Negatively; students, both in high school and college, would drink during the week which could cause problems with education and crimes related to alcohol would be more likely to†¦show more content†¦Changing the drinking age has multiple negative effects. However, it could have a few positive effects on society. First, it would allow law enforcement to crack down on other crimes being committed in cities. Ultimately resulting in a lowering of the crime rate. (Even though only around every two of one thousand underage drinking occasions result in an arrest (Daniloff)). Secondly, lowering the drinking age would allow the government to receive more taxes off of the sales of alcohol. Since around seventeen and a half percent of alcohol sales (or $22.5 billion) end up being consumed by minors the government could place a higher tax upon sales to citizens ages eighteen to twenty-one (The Debate). The argument of looking to European countries with lower drinking ages is almost always present in law changing arguments. Should we follow their example, or should we learn from what the laws in their countries have done? Based on the facts European youth actually drink more than American youth (Sopher). Granted it is legal in these countries to do so at the ages of 16 and most 18. Drinking is a big problems in countries such as Ireland, Denmark, and Germany where the drinking age is 18. The facts prove themselves; lowering the drinking age just encourages young adults to become dependent on alcohol at a younger age. ItShow MoreRelatedUnderage Drinking Is Part Of The Culture Of College1734 Words   |  7 PagesI did discover is that underage drinking is part of the culture in college, also the friends that I had in high school who are 21 now I have discovered they drink some of the least amount now. Which has begun to make me wonder why people who are 21 drink less than peop le who are underage. I believe that when people are 21 they now do not have to worry about the next time they can get alcohol. Congress should lower the drinking age from 21 to 18 because at age 18 when they are in college, for someRead MoreTo Lower or Not to Lower the Legal Drinking Age to 18, That Is the Question881 Words   |  4 Pagesthat binge drinking is on the rise among college students (Eisenberg n.p.). With an increase of alcohol consumption by underage drinkers, it only seems logical to lower the drinking age to prevent binge drinking, however there are far more consequences to be seen. Lowering the drinking age to 18 will not solve the binge drinking problem among college students but will cause more problems. In this paper I will explain the reason why lowering the drinking age will not stop binge drinking and the adverseRead MoreKeeping the Minimum Legal Drinking Age1283 Words   |  6 Pageslegal drinking age in the United States or not. Many Americans forbid th e idea of legalizing the drinking age so that it would be profitable to the businesses. Likewise, there have been many advantages and disadvantages of why should the government allow young adults drink under the age of 21. To prevent this issue, many Americans have provided reasoning that will support the idea of keeping the minimum legal drinking age where it is now. The government should maintain the minimum legal drinking ageRead More18 vs. 21: Drinking Age1389 Words   |  6 Pageswant to change the drinking age from 21 to 18, when there are other activities that have limit of age such as marriage at 18, driving at 16 and 35 to be a president? Alcohol plays a major role in today society, which becomes a controversial issue among teens. Alcohol is a mind-altering chemical that is potentially more dangerous than any other drug and can be very destructive. For past few years, many people are trying to lower the drinking age without knowing the negative effects of alcohol and how Read MoreMinimum Legal Drinking Agre1173 Words   |  5 PagesThe legal age of adulthood in the United States for most purposes is 18. At the age of 18, a person enters the realm of adulthood and is assigned the rights and responsibilities associated with this legal status. For example, an 18 year old can legally sign a contract and is bound by the terms and conditions of the contract. An 18 year old can marry without parental consent, serve on a jury, and vote in state and federal elections. An 18 year old who is charged with a crime is not tried in theRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Of The United States920 Words   |  4 Pages The legal drinking age has always been a debatable topic that people argue about all the time. Alcohol has been a drug problem for the majority of our young adults all around the world. The goal is to decrease the effects of underage drinking In the United States by keeping the legal drinking law 21. Every state had the right to their own lega l drinking age, therefore during the 1970 1980’s some states had 21 while others had 18. This problem was carried over when teenagers got behindRead MoreWhy Lowering The Drinking Age Is A Good Idea?. Lowering1627 Words   |  7 PagesWhy Lowering the Drinking Age is a Good Idea? Lowering the drinking age to 18 in the United States has been a source of controversy in recent years. It has been a controversial topic because many people disagree, while many agree with the topic. For example, the people who disagree and are against lowering the drinking age to 18 believe we should not lower the drinking age because 18 year old individuals are not responsible enough to drink alcohol. While, the people who agree we should lower theRead MoreThe Minimum Legal Drinking Age1594 Words   |  7 PagesThe Drinking Age is Safer than You Thought As Americans, we are always wondering what we can do to save lives. We suspect cancer, disease, suicide, violence, and distracted driving as taking the lives of our fellow Americans. What you may not know, is that we are already saving lives, and we have been since 1984 because of one simple law. The Uniform Drinking Age Act of 1984 moved the minimum legal drinking age from 18 to 21. Lowering the drinking age is a step backward for our safety and ourRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered973 Words   |  4 Pages The Legal Age for Drinking Alcohol Should Not Be Lowered To 18 In the United States. Every state has the right to set its own legal drinking age. However, according to George Will in an article he wrote in the Washington Post about the legal drinking age, â€Å"drinking age paradox† â€Å"lowering the drinking age will cost the state ten percent of its federal highway funds and cause a significant uproar from contractors and construction unions.† It is therefore in the best interest of every citizenRead More The Drinking Age Should NOT Be Lowered Essay1006 Words   |  5 Pagesopposed to lowering the minimum legal drinking age. Choose Responsibility, a group founded by John McCardell, proposes that upon completion of a 40 hour course to educate young people about alcohol, 18, 19, and 20 year old people should be licensed to drink. The Amethyst Initiative, part of Choose Responsibility, is a petition to Congress to rethink the minimum legal drinking age. Several college leaders have signed this petition in the belief that lowerin g the minimum legal drinking age will reduce

International Management for Welspun Group -

Question: Discuss about theInternational Management for Welspun Group. Answer: Introduction The provided case study is about the Welspun Group which is not only one of the largest and fastest growing business organization of India, but also a well-renowned organization globally ( 2017). In the past few years, globalizations has become the most discussed and major factor for the business organizations. According to Beck (2015), globalization is a method by which business organizations establish international influence or start operating on an international scale. Due to globalization, when the business organizations got an opportunity to expand their businesses to foreign countries, they grabbed it with both hands (Pieterse 2015). Welspun is also not an exception. From the case study it is clear that in order to make its presence in the international market, the organization expanded into several sectors such as pipe manufacturing, steel manufacturing along with energy sector. It is true that after these expansions the organization is experiencing noticeable grow th. However, it is also facing some challenges before them. The case study attempts to point out those challenges faced by the organization. Challenges faced by Welspun Group From the provided case study, it is clear that the organization has responded to the growing concept of globalization by entering into different and diversified business sectors. Until now, the business is running smoothly as it is seen that the company is gaining continuous profits and experiencing tremendous growth (Sheth 2016). However, as the opportunities in those markets are rising along with the demands of the consumers which are also rising, the chances are high that this diversified portfolio of the company will provide numerous challenges to Welspun Group. Therefore, currently business and product diversification which is the main factor of growth will become a major challenge for the organization. Some challenges that the organization will face while maintaining diversified business portfolio would be; Market Selection When compared with the other markets where Welspun Group is expanding their business, India is the biggest market in terms of opportunity. According to Khanna and Palepu (2013), India is one of the worlds biggest emerging markets after China where amount of competition is comparatively lower than any other country in the world (Joshi and Raichurkar 2016). On the other hand, legal and political rules and regulations are also negligible in the country. Welspun Group is now investing on their businesses in the UK and in the US where market competition is fierce and rules and governmental rules and regulations are also critical. Therefore, it can be stated that it is a risky decision taken by the management of the organization to expand in those countries. Manufacturing Facilities Opening manufacturing facilities in foreign country offers an element of uncertainty. Welspun Groups is habituated to operate in countries where there is stability in terms of political leadership and governmental rules and regulations (Kar 2015). In this situation, a sudden regime change can lead to monetary upheaval that can jeopardize the organizations long-term success. Complexity in Investment Complexity in investment will arrive in from two areas. One is normal investment and the other is business related costs. Jumping into new business ventures will divide the investment opportunities of the organization. For example, if the company only had one type of business such as textile, then it could invest a random $200,000 directly to the textile business. However, as the organization has now expanded in 3 new markets, this $200,000 will split up in total four parts. Each business will have only $50,000 as investment. It means, complexity will be added to the portfolio along with new management teams and bureaucratic costs that must be paid to maintain the investments over the long term. Business that operates in different product sectors requires different infrastructure, employees and training programs for those employees. The more diversify the organization will become; the more will decrease their ability to respond quickly and innovatively to the market changes (Dunning 2014). Besides, for each business, to develop and maintain different infrastructure, more capital will be invested. It will hurt the profitability of the organization in the future. Recommendation In order to deal with the up-coming challenges of the organization related to diversity in product and business sectors, the management of the organization can undertake two strategies which are geographic expansion and product diversification. Proper Geographic Expansion Doing geographic expansion is not enough as it should be done in a proper manner. Some proper steps to select a new market are hereby mentioned below. Look Before you Leap Before expanding further in any country the management of the organization will have to conduct proper researches to find out the customer buying behavior, political conditions, constraints related to governmental rules and regulations, labor related rules and relations and other factors in a proper manner (Sarasvathy et al. 2014). It is true that research and development costs are high but expansion in a new market without doing proper research will become more challenging and expensive for the organization. Make Intentions Clear Uncertainty of strategy and trend is of the biggest drains on any organization. If the intentions of the organization are not clear, the employees will make up their own versions of the story. Besides, as the company operates in different markets, it will become more difficult for the employees to understand the vision of the organization (Dau 2013). Therefore, before expanding to a new market, it is important to develop a set of goals that all the employees will follow, does not matter in which department or in which business sector they are in. Developing Proper Exit Strategy As mentioned by Zismer and Schuh (2016), even with proper marketing strategy and due diligence, it is always risky to expand in a new country. Most of the organizations fail while tackling new markets because of market dynamics of supply and demand. One of the main strategies to avoid cash siphon of geographic expansion is to maintain transparency. Costly distractions can be neglected by delivering transparency to key employees about strategic and monetary intentions. Proper Product Diversification strategy Objectives The management of the organization will have to set their objectives for product diversification. While expanding in a new market, it is recommended that the management of the organization can adapt a defensive approach to protect the business (Grant 2016). For example, if opportunity is limited in the new market and competition is high then it is required to take defensive approach. On the other hand if opportunity is high then the organization can undertake offensive approach to gather as much share as possible. Source It is already mentioned that developing manufacturing units in foreign countries is a tough job to do (Berry?Stlzle et al. 2013). Therefore, the organization can consider other options such as distributing products from other suppliers. Resource While expanding business in a new market, the management of the organization will have to find new suppliers and will have to develop an effective working relationship with them. It is also necessary to review the sales and marketing resources. Avoiding Risk Expanding in markets such as the UK and the US where a lot of organizations are successfully handling the demand of the consumers is risky for the business (Zismer and Schuh 2016). The management of the organization will have to expand in countries where the demand is high but existing companies are unable to meet the requirements. Conclusion In the end, it can be concluded that currently Welspun Group is experiencing serious growth in their business. Diversifying business is not an easy thing to do. However, the management of the organization is currently operating in diverse markets with ample amount of control. However, it is expected that due to extreme diverse products, the organization will several issues in the future. In this report, a detailed description is provided on the issues and challenges the organization is facing and will face in the near future. In the next part of the report, a recommendation is added for the management of the organization based on the challenges they are facing and their current business strategy. Currently the organization is expanding geographically and adapting product diversification strategy. Within both the strategies how the management can avoid risks and can achieve success are mentioned in the recommendation part. Reference List Beck, U., 2015. What is globalization?. John Wiley Sons. Berry?Stlzle, T.R., Hoyt, R.E. and Wende, S., 2013. Capital market development, competition, property rights, and the value of insurer product?line diversification: A cross?country analysis. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 80(2), pp.423-459. Dau, L.A., 2013. Learning across geographic space: Pro-market reforms, multinationalization strategy, and profitability. Journal of International Business Studies, 44(3), pp.235-262. Dunning, J.H., 2014. The Globalization of Business (Routledge Revivals): The Challenge of the 1990s. Routledge. Grant, R.M., 2016. Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. Joshi, V. and Raichurkar, P.P., 2016. Investment Opportunities in Decentralized Textile Industries-Cluster Development Approach: A Path Way. International journal on textile engineering and processes, p.13. Kar, M., 2015. The Role of Foreign Collaborations in the Textile and Clothing Sector. In The Indian Textile and Clothing Industry (pp. 69-82). Springer India. Khanna, T. and Palepu, K., 2013. Winning in emerging markets: A road map for strategy and execution. Harvard Business Press. Pieterse, J.N., 2015. Globalization and culture: Global mlange. Rowman Littlefield. Sarasvathy, S., Kumar, K., York, J.G. and Bhagavatula, S., 2014. An effectual approach to international entrepreneurship: overlaps, challenges, and provocative possibilities. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(1), pp.71-93. Sheth, C.R., 2016. A Comparative Study on Cash Flow Statements of Welspun India Ltd. and Ghcl Ltd. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 5(7). 2017. ":: WELSPUN ::". Welspun.Com. Zismer, D.K. and Schuh, D., 2016. Clinical service line strategy: managing the risks of geographic expansion. Healthcare Financial Management, 70(7), pp.50-58.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How to Find a Good Sample of a Personal Narrative Essay

How to Find a Good Sample of a Personal Narrative EssayPersonal narrative essays are one of the most sought after types of written assignments throughout the country. The format is very simple, and if you choose your samples wisely, it can produce positive results for you.It is very important to understand the difference between a personal narrative essay, which is meant to be a personal story, and a thesis statement, which is a statement that states a certain fact about an aspect of the subject matter you are covering. In this way, your readers will begin to trust your opinions and be able to see what type of writer you are.The most common form of personal essay is the thesis statement, which is basically a set of facts or principles that you are going to present throughout the essay. This is a more concise form of a personal essay. There are some who prefer the personal narrative form, which is a written version of a personal story. With either form, you have to be careful to avoid the pitfalls of grammar and word usage that can get you in trouble.When writing a personal narrative essay, it is best to take notes while you write, or have someone else read it aloud to you. This gives you a chance to clarify what you're saying and make sure you are free of errors. These should not be grammatically perfect, but the writer should still try to be consistent with the facts stated. Mistakes will only make the reader question your credibility.Although you may think that there is no need to check on your essay, personal essay samples are a good idea. They show the reviewer how you would organize the information you've given and what type of examples you would use. When you have questions regarding the information you presented, or the use of examples, then the sample is your best tool.Another way to check your personal narrative essay samples is to ask friends or family members for their opinion. Check it out with them and see how they felt about it. Having an objectiv e opinion can give you a much better feel for the actual contents of the document.Most personal narratives start with a personal problem. You will almost always come up with a story or an anecdote to support the fact. A personal narrative essay can be anywhere from ten to thirty pages long. The writing itself is fairly straightforward, so most writers can make it work even when they are not very good at writing.To learn more about personal narrative essays, search online for samples. It will take some time to sort through all the samples, but you'll find samples that work best for you'll find the ones that don't.